Learning Python Day-0 to Day-2

Learning Python Day-0 to Day-2

Table of contents

Hello folks! This is officially my first blog on HASHNODE trying to just write my learnings over here & nothing special. Let me start by introducing you to my PYTHON journey.


I started following a YOUTUBE channel called "CHAI AUR CODE" few months back & coding has never been like this for me from there. Hitesh Choudhary (English Channel name as well) sir on that channel gives some exquisite content over there, his teaching methodology has been phenomenon & made me fell in love with coding.

On Day-0 on his CHAI AUR PYTHON series he taught basic python installation & some basic jargon (Would be beneficial for beginners who have 0 idea about coding or are new to coding).

Day -1

On Day-1 he wrote an HELLO WORLD program in python in the first half (very basic) & made us understand basic jargons of python.

In the second half of the video he made another file and showed us how to import stuff from another file from a previous file and what happens when you run file1 and what output you get when you run file2.

In the end, he left me on a cliffhanger by just telling us about the new automatic folder that was generated "__pycache__" and made us curious about what that file exactly is and why was it generated.


He taught the very basic but not something every educator teaches, the math behind "__pycache__" why it was generated and how it is important.

Some important points of Day-2 are:

  1. The "__pycache__" defines source change & python version

    a. works only for imported files (.pyc files).

    b. not for top level files.

  2. Python Virtual Machine (PVM)

    a. Runs a loop continuously & executes programs line by line hence, python is also known as an INTERPRETED LANGUAGE.

    b. It is the engine that runs the python code.

  3. Byte code is NOT MACHINE CODE. That means it generates python specified/specific byte codes & can't be used to run in some other VM (virtual machine)or hardware.

Huge shoutout to Hitesh Choudhary & his team. I am attaching the link of the playlist HERE!

Thank you sir for all the guidance, keep up with the good work.